August 30, 2005

Get to Z

This is a fun and easy game. Easy to play that is, not easy to finish. The meaning of the game is to try to find the way to page Z. Very hard cause you have to remember which page links to which and find the way to the end. I tried and got till page Y. Tell me if you find the way to Z.
Get to Z

[EDIT: found page Z!]

August 25, 2005

Stuff on my cat

This is a site featuring pictures that people have sent in of their cat with "stuff" on it. You find the craziest things there, cats with all sorts of things on them, ranging from computer keyboards over a bunch of books to a house of cards. I don't really know what to think of it. I find it funny, but I hope the cats didn't mind the harassment.
Have a look and tell me if you find this funny, cute or cruel.

Stuff + cats = awesome

August 21, 2005

Caption this

I found this hilarious picture and I was wondering what kind of hilarious captions people would be able to come up with on this. So everybody, play along. Click on the picture for full view and post the best caption you can come up with. Let's all have a laugh. :)