October 27, 2004

50 states

Remember when you were in the 3rd grade? When you had to be able to know the placing of every state? Well, this site let's you check if you still have it. You have to place the name of every state on the right place. But watch out, there's a time limit :)
With the upcoming elections, it might be interesting to know stuff like this again.
I passed the test and had fun, so try it out :)

(link removed since it points somewhere else now)

October 25, 2004

Chicken fight

They have fights with roosters in Mexico, but did you ever saw 2 chickens fight? Well now you will :)
This is the Chicken sandwich world championship
Pick your favorite chicken,Spicy or TC, and start the fight.
Whoever kicks the most chicken butt wins!
Chicken fight

October 24, 2004

Icon story

Ever wondered what your computer desktop icons do when you go to bed at night?
They don't just sit there waiting for you to come back.
No, they have their own fun while you're not there. Although fun maybe isn't the best word to describe this. Let's say they like to know who's the toughest icon on the block.

Icon story

October 23, 2004

GTA:Brick city

Only one more week until GTA:San Andreas comes out!
Look at this video while you wait for it, it's a Lego parody of the GTA games.
Very entertaining, and hilarious :)
GTA:Brick city

October 22, 2004

Wedding invites

This guy is selling wedding invites he received from an old friend on ebay. He doesn't want to attent since the girl his friend is marrying is a real dog. So this guy decides he might as well get some cash out of it. The listing got so popular (almost 800 000 views), that several other persons who were invited to the same wedding saw it and decided they wanted to sell their invites too :D
Make sure you read the guys' comments, they're the funniest thing there :)
wedding invites

October 21, 2004

Castro falls

Cuban president Castro fell hard when he left the podium after a graduation speech. I know this isn't something to laugh with, but the story comes with a video, and I must admit, when I saw it I laughed. He broke his knee and arm, btw.

Castro falls

October 20, 2004


Parking is harder than you think. Especially on a computer. If you think you can park, then prove it here. You get points based on time taken, parking accuracy and number of times you hit other cars. There are only 3 levels and you get 60 seconds per level. So you can even try it out if you have little time :)

October 18, 2004

car stunt

I found a cool video featuring a guy doing an awesome car stunt, only to get hit by another car coming from the other direction seconds after. It's obviously fake, but it's nevertheless very well done and very amusing to look at :)


October 17, 2004

Real life vs Internet

This is a great movie about the differences between real life and the internet. It might take a short while to load, but it's really worth it :)
If you look around the site, you'll see there are many more absolutely hilarious movies there.
Real life vs. Internet

October 16, 2004

Useless Japanese inventions

The Japanese have their occasional weird moments to say the least. Check out this site to see a bundle of the most useless inventions they've come up with lately. Some might actually be used if you have an open mind, but others are just too weird for words :D

October 13, 2004

Ski? Skate? Mini bike?

I don't know what this is but it seems like a lot of fun :)
I want to buy this :)
But I'm afraid I'm going to brake a leg :)


October 09, 2004


Think you can juggle? Prove it! Keep the 3 balls of the ground, you can drop a maximum of 5 balls before it's game over. My top score is 820, try to beat me :)


This is just amazing, it makes you dizzy, but it's well worth it. You can zoom in and zoom in and zoom in, it never ends :)
The whole thing is very Escher like and drawn in a very pretty way. It's actually hard to describe, you have to see it to see the magic, and believe me,there is magic in there :)

October 08, 2004


I don't really know what I have to think of this, it's kinda crêêpy, but it's fun! :)
You can play with the face to see various facial expressions.
I don't know what the use of that is, but somehow you get hooked at it fast for some while. :p
Have fun :D

October 07, 2004

Aerial picture

Do you want to see your house? I guess you've seen that enough.
Want to see your house from above? I think lots of you are saying yes right now :)
When you go to this site, you can type in your address and state, and it shows you a aerial picture of your house and street. Too bad that if you zoom in to house level, the aerial pictures become a little blurred. But you can still make out your neighborhood out really well.

October 06, 2004

Color scheme

If you ever made a website, you know that picking colors isn't the easiest task you will have to do. And when you finally picked a main site color, then you still have to find a lot of matching colors for the rest of the page. If you aren't a natural with colors,like me, this can lead to a site with such a mismatch in colors, that the visitors run/click away screaming :)
luckily, for all the colorblind, some sites offer free colorscheme creators. And I found one!
At first sight it looks really decent. The picked colors look good to say the least.
Go here to look what colors your site should have :)

October 05, 2004

Ballpoint pen art

I found this amazing art site that I had to share. It's unbelievable what this guy can do with just a ball point pen, his drawings look like if it were real pictures.
Why are you still here, Go check it out:)

October 04, 2004

Mount St. Helens

Looks like Mount St. Helens woke up again. Up until now there's only been a small eruption and some smoke, well, a lot of smoke coming out of the crater, and some minor earthquakes.
A scientist described the eruption as a 'hiccup'.
Let's hope we get to see something bigger soon,I want to see some action.
Not as big as in 1980, but something.

October 03, 2004

Talk to the hand

Isn't technology great? They're developing a new kind of phone at the moment. One where you have to use your finger as part of the receiver. So you talk to your wrist and you listen by putting your finger in your ear. :)
This looks great, but I has it's downsides/dangers. I mean, we just got 'hands free' phones, and now they make hands a requirement again. Or the transferring call pranks. Something like: "Hey John, you got a phonecall, someone called Wet Willie" :D

Read the story here .


The point of this game is to click the numbers from 1 to 15 as fast as possible in the right order. My best is 6.106 seconds. Beat me :)
Or at least try ;)

October 01, 2004


A seven headed 'strike force' had fun by changing a gigantic Resident Evil billboard somewhere in L.A.
They 'modified' Milla Jovovich's head and pasted a Big 'p' in front of the 'resident'.
The result is quite funny :)


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