September 29, 2004

Ice cream

After becoming a worldplayer in the automobiles and the electronics sector, the Japanese have decided they also want to become a big player in the ice cream business. We all know that japanese people are hard workers who can get stuff like this done if they want, but somehow I got a feeling that they won't have a big breakthrough just yet. Check this site out for some of the japanese style ice cream flavors.

Super mini ipod

The ipod is cool, the ipod mini is even cooler, but the super mini ipod is just unbeatably the coolest :D. It's the smallest 1000 songs player ever. It's selling at a "bargain" price right now, so go look quick and place your bids.

Click!, click!, click!

September 28, 2004


aren't you just tired of 404 pages? Well, I am. I don't like them, I can't see them anymore.
Or are there different ones? Are there cool or funny 404 pages out there? Well, yes there are :)
And I came along a very funny one. Go check him out.

Funny 404

EDIT: well, it's like someone up there is playing with me. The funny 404 parody page is now giving a regular 404 page. pff.
But until the 1st one is back, I found another funny 404 for you. A WMD-themed one :)

Find the WMD's

And another one :)Don't say I didn't made it up to you guys :)
More 404

September 27, 2004


Sorry about the pictures in this blog being offline for a while. All of the pictures on my blog are hosted at photobucket, but they seem to have a small/big problem with something. Therefore the pictures will sometimes load and sometimes won't load, or some will load and some won't. :)
I'm sure they'll fix it soon.

EDIT: The problem seems to be solved. let's hope it stays that way :)

September 26, 2004


Finding Google a little slow or boring lately?
Try the mirror site :D


September 24, 2004

Fight Sp@m

Are you getting annoyed too with all those advertising sp@m mails and pôp-ups you have to deal with every day? Ever wanted to get revenge, to get even? Well, now you can, well at least a little bit. [edit:sorry, dead link] specializes in using up sp@m sites' bandwidth. Just open the page and let it run as long as you like, every second you leave the window open, bandwidth is used from the sp@msites, shutting them down eventually when they exceed there monthly bandwidth allowance :)
This will make them lose revenue and abandon the site. Probably to start a new one, which will be attacked too :)

EDIT: Sorry, the link died :(

September 22, 2004


Here you have to follow the moving sphere with your mouse cursor. Straying off makes you lose energy. I managed to score 7812, try to beat me :)

Click me

Dodge the dot

I came across a funny little timewaister. Avoid the dots and the outlines by moving your mouse. I managed to get to the point where they turn off the lights. After that it just very hard. Try it and see how far you get :)
You can cheat if you want and figure out how :)
Click me

September 21, 2004

Google, the beginning

Did you ever wonder how google looked when it was still a university project from some students in Stanford? Before it became the well known leading search engine?

Well, it looked like this.

And here are some pictures of the hardware they used back then :)

Jimmy the fin

Fun little timewaister. Avoid the jellyfish by going up and down, and travel as much distance as possible. Easy? Just try and we'll see :)

Jimmy the fin

Invisibility game

This is a fun, but very hard game I found on the web today. You have to move your mouse along a certain path, but you don't see your mouse-arrow-pointer-thingy. I got stuck on lvl 6. Try it and see how far you get :)

Invisible mouse

September 18, 2004

The Sims2

I played the sims2 today. Looks like fun :)
There are a lot of new features: a cool 3-d view, your character ages, you can build 3 story houses, and that's just a small part of the new things.
The game itself is massive, a full 3.5 Gb and 4 installation disks. But what would you expect with such a big game.
I think I'm going to play this a lot over the next few days or weeks. Unless there's something even better coming up, you never know.

September 16, 2004

Dragon test

Took one of those internet tests too today. What's your inner dragon...
Turns out I'm A Amethyst Dragon!

In the war between good and evil, a Amethyst Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos....
As far as magical tendencies, Magical spells come as natural to the Amethyst Dragon as breathe from it's body....
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....
The Amethyst Dragon makes its home in the deep caverns of the earth, often in mountainous regions. They spend much time in hibernation as one of their favorite things to do is to sleep.'
Formed from translucent amethyst, it is an awe inspiring sight to see one in it's true form. Light passes through the dragon's body creating a deep purple glow. It's scales will magnify the light rays into bright lavender beams to highlight this effect.'
Amethyst dragons spend most of their time homebound but do occasionally feel the need to take a sojourn to a far destination. These dragons love books and will often pick their destination from one of the many stories and histories they may have read. Amethyst dragons are very solitary in nature, but do keep a distant watch on the world around them. They tend to be highly intelligent, and often amuse themselves in human form by building gadgets and toys. Amethyst dragons are very learned creatures.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Amethyst, Deep Places, and Magic

You can take the test here

Cool art

Check out this site, it totally blew me away. The guy responsible for these amazing drawings is really talented.
anry's home page

September 15, 2004


So the guy who kept winning the American Jeopardy show, finally lost. Some guy who was at the taping of his 75th game saw him finally lose. He ends up with around 2.5 million prizemoney.
to can go here to read the whole Jeopardy story.

September 05, 2004


I found a fun website some time ago. It's called Doodlebug.

You can make simple drawings(doodles) there and get them rated by others. You don't get an eraser, so you have to do it right the first time. If the judges find your drawing good enough, they'll give you a bronze, silver or gold star. Or a bronze/silver/gold cup if you do good in a competition.

Try it, it's really fun. The only downside is that the site is offline quite often. This is probably because it's still a work in progress, new things are constantly added. :)

Click here if you want to try it: Doodlebug drawings

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